2025 Annual Meeting of the Finnish Economic Association

The 45th Annual Meeting of the Finnish Economic Association will be held in Tallinn on February 6–7, 2025 in cooperation with Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech). The conference is sponsored by the City of Tallinn.


Preliminary conference program is available at: https://www.taloustieteellinenyhdistys.fi/conference-program/

Participation fees

The conference fee is 150 euros for participants based in Finland (the fee includes the conference dinner and membership in the association). The conference fee for participants from Estonia is 100 euros (the fee includes the conference dinner). PhD students (both from Estonia and Finland) who present their research participate for free (including the dinner). If the payer is someone else than the participant herself/himself, the billing information need be given upon registration.


The parallel sessions last for 90 minutes and most of them include four presentations. This means 22.5 minutes per presentation, so prepare for a slot of 15–20 minutes to leave time for short discussions after the presentation. There will be no designated discussants and questions can also be asked during the presentation. Sessions can be slightly extended over breaks if all presenters agree on that. Please, have your presentation on a memory stick or laptop and download it to the room computer before the session starts to ensure that the presentation time is used efficiently. Chairs of the sessions are responsible for keeping track of time.

Conference venue

Tallinn University of Technology (Taltech), School of Business and Governance. Address: Akadeemia tee 3, 12611 Tallinn. Sessions and the plenum lecture take place in the second and third floors of the building.

Getting to the conference venue

The university campus is located some 7 kilometers away from the city center of Tallinn and 9 kilometers away from the harbor. The city of Tallinn allows the conference participants to use public transportation for free during the event. Participants are given QR codes that enable the usage of public transportation. Public transportation from the city center to the Campus takes some 30–40 minutes and the trip between the Campus and the harbor takes some 50 minutes. The Association also organizes bus transportation with the following schedules:

Thursday 6.2. at 10:00:

from harbor to the Tallinn University of Technology (conference venue). Starting point: D-terminal, Uus-Sadama 24.

Thursday 6.2. at 18:45:

Departure from the Tallinn University of Technology (bus stop Keemia, location). First stop at Go Hotel Schnelli (Toompuiestee 37-1), near F-hoone. Second stop in the city center, at bus stop Hobujaama (location).

Thursday evening’s transportation leaves after the plenum lecture from bus stop Keemia. The bus will first at Go Hotel Schnelli (Toompuiestee 37-1), near the dinner place (F-hoone). Then, it will drive to the city center, arriving at bus stop Hobujaama, so that the participants who need to drop their luggage at their hotel may do so. The bus will not drive back to the dinner place, so you need to find your way there on your own. Participants who do not need to go to their hotel may leave the bus at the first stop, near F-hoone.


Conference hotels are Nordic Hotel Forum, Original Sokos Hotel Viru, Park Inn Central Hotel Tallinn, and Go Hotel Schnelli. More information on the prices and availability are sent to those registered for the event. There are also other hotels available in the city center.

Conference dinner

F-Hoone (Telliskivi tn 60a/4, Tallinn 10412 )
Thursday 6.2. at 19.30–23.00
Dinner is included in the participation fee. After the plenum, the organized bus transportation will depart in front of TalTech, from bus stop Keemia. The first stop is at Go Hotel Schnelli (Toompuiestee 37-1), near the dinner place (F-hoone). Then, it will drive to the city center, arriving at bus top Hobujaama, so that the participants who need to drop their luggage at their hotel may do so. The bus will not drive back to the dinner place, so you need to find your way there on your own. Go Hotel Schnelli is located one kilometer away from the dinner place. Other three conference hotels are some 2–2.5 kilometers away from the dinner place, and public transportation takes some 20–30 minutes. Food will be served at about 20.30 to give enough time to those who want to go to their hotel first. The dinner place opens at 19.30 for drinks.

PhD students

The best paper submitted by a student, who has not yet defended her/his doctoral thesis, will be awarded a prize of 500 euros. To compete for the award, send your paper to Association’s secretary (sihteeri@taloustieteellinenyhdistys.fi) by January 22, 11:59 pm, latest.

More information on the conference will be added to these web pages.

Additional information:

Max Toikka, secretary of the Finnish Economic Association


The event is sponsored by the City of Tallinn


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