Journal of the Finnish Economic Association (JFEA) is a scholarly international journal published by the Finnish Economic Association. The journal is peer-reviewed with a single-blind referee process. The JFEA publishes empirical and applied research articles and surveys. Also replications and articles with so-called null findings are most welcome. Submissions in all fields of economics and closely related sciences are welcome with a special emphasis on policy-relevant applications. Studies concerning economies and institutions of Nordic and neighboring countries are particularly encouraged. The objective of the JFEA is to provide a high-quality and fast peer-reviewed publication channel for applied economic papers, and facilitate communication of topical research results to the research community and policymakers. The journal also regularly publishes special issues on different policy-relevant topics.

This an open-access journal under CC BY 4.0 license.

ISSN: 2736-867X

To learn more about the JFEA, see the following pages:

Editorial Staff

JFEA Prize for Excellent Research

Submissions Policy

Instructions for Authors

Submission system

Published issues and articles can be read online: (direct link).

ISSN: 2736-867X

To learn more about the JFEA, see the following pages:

Editorial Staff

JFEA Prize for Excellent Research

Submissions Policy

Instructions for Authors

Submission system

Published issues and articles can be read online: (direct link).[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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