To encourage submissions of high level scientific research for the FEP, the Finnish Economic Association has instituted a prize of EUR 2000 for the best article published in the FEP during a two-year period. The next prize will be awarded for the best article published in the FEP during 2018 and 2019. We look forward to receiving high quality submissions to be included in the competition.

The first FEP prize for articles published in 1997-1998 issues was awarded to Jan Klavus for his article Progressivity of Health Care Financing: Estimation and Statistical Inferenece (Finnish Economic Papers, Autumn 1998, pp. 86-95).

The second FEP prize for articles published in 1999-2000 issues was awarded to Dan Anderberg for his article Adverse Selection, Competition and Linear Self-Insurance (Finnish Economic Papers, Spring 1999, pp. 3-15 ).

The third FEP prize for articles published in 2001-2002 issues was awarded to Erik Fjaerli and Diderik Lund for their article The Choice between Owner’s Wages and Dividends under the Dual Income Tax (Finnish Economic Papers, Autumn 2001, pp. 104-119).

The fourth FEP prize for articles published in 2003-2004 issues was awarded to Juha-Pekka Niinimäki for his article Fairly Priced Deposit Insurance under Adverse Selection (Finnish Economic Papers, Spring 2003, pp. 38-48).

The fifth FEP prize for articles published in 2005-2006 issues was awarded to Andreas Knabe and Peter Birch Sørensen for their article Outsourcing of Public Sevice Provision: When is it more efficient? (Finnish Economic Papers, Spring 2006, pp. 3-15).

The sixth FEP prize for articles published in 2007-2008 issues was awarded to Tomi Kyyrä for his article Estimating Equilibrium Search Models from Finnish Data (Finnish Economic Papers, Autumn 2007, pp. 139-165).

The seventh FEP prize for articles published in 2009-2010 issues was awarded to Andreas Pfingsten and Reiner Wolff for their article Factor Supply Changes in Small Open Economies: Rybczynski Derivatives under Increasing Marginal Costs (Finnish Economic Papers, Spring 2009, pp. 9-20).

The eighth FEP prize for articles published in 2011-2012 issues was awarded to Juha-Pekka Niinimäki for his article Optimal Design of Bank Bailouts: The Case of Prompt Corrective Action (Finnish Economic Papers, Spring 2012, pp.1-19).