Vol. 7, No. 2 Uri M. Possen and Mikko Puhakka: Rationality of limited rationality: some aggregate implications (pp. 83–93) Abstract In this paper we let economic agents choose whether to become fully rational or stay boundedly rational. Boundedly rational agents
Finnish Economic Papers 1/1994
Vol. 7, No. 1 Lars Norden: Daily distribution of Swedish OMX-index returns over intraday-to-intraday time intervals (pp. 3–16) Abstract This paper examines the intradaily behaviour of the Swedish OMX stock index during the time period January 02 to December 30
Finnish Economic Papers 2/1993
Vol. 6, No. 2 Pasi Holm, Seppo Honkapohja and Erkki Koskela: Incidence effects of proposed reforms for the payroll tax in Finnish manufacturing (pp. 67–78) Abstract The main proposals for the reform of payroll-based employers’ social security contributions have been
Finnish Economic Papers 1/1993
Vol. 6, No. 1 Kyösti Pulliainen and Heikki Taimio: Symposium on mass unemployment in Finland: an introductory note (pp. 3–4) Richard Jackman: Mass unemployment: international experience and lessons for policy (pp. 5–12) Abstract While variations across countries in the experience
Finnish Economic Papers 2/1992
Vol. 5, No. 2 Ian E. Novos: Learning by doing and adverse selection: the importance of commitment (pp. 79–90) Abstract The analysis in Novos (1990) is extended to incorporate a richer signalling dimension. Specifically, firms observe the evolving employment histories
Finnish Economic Papers 1/1992
Vol. 5., No. 1 Torben M. Andersen: Differential information and excessive volatility in financial markets (pp. 3–11) Abstract It is analysed whether risk averse agents possessing different information have an incentive to trade in a zero-sum market. The key to
Finnish Economic Papers 2/1991
Vol. 4, No. 2 Mukul Majumdar and Tapan Mitra: Intertemporal decentralization (pp. 79–103) Abstract The classic papers of Malinvaud and Samuelson pointed out that even in ”classical” infinite horizon economies a competitive program of resource allocation need not be efficient
Finnish Economic Papers 1/1991
Vol. 4, No. 1 Noel Gaston and Randall Wright: The effects of risk on efficient labor contracts (pp. 2–9) Abstract We analyze the effects of productivity risk on the expected utility of workers under efficient labor contracts. With multiplicative uncertainty
Finnish Economic Papers 2/1990
Vol. 3, No. 2 Peter Englund and Anders Vredin: The current account, supply shocks and accommodative fiscal policy: interpretations of Swedish post-war data (pp. 89–107) Abstract The aim of the paper is to assess empirically the importance of different types
Finnish Economic Papers 1/1990
Vol. 3, No. 1 Anders Björklund: Evaluations of Swedish labor market policy (pp. 3–13) Abstract Sweden has for a long time spent large resources on labor market policies targeted to the unemployed. In the Anglo-Saxon labor economics literature new methods