Vol. 2, No. 2 Costat Azariadis: Rational expectations equilibria with Keynesian properties (pp. 99–105) Mikko Puhakka: A model of implicit contracts without precommitment on employment (pp. 106–115) Abstract The purpose of this paper is to analyze an optimal one-period labor
Finnish Economic Papers 1/1989
Vol. 2, No. 1 Alpo Willman: If the markka floated: simulating the BOF4 model with fixed and floating exchange rates (pp. 3–19) Abstract In this paper the BOF4 model of the Bank of Finland, which is estimated in a fixed
Finnish Economic Papers 2/1988
Vol. 1, No. 2 Stephen Pudney: Estimating engel curves: a generalisation of the P-Tobit model (pp. 129–147) Abstract Cross-section demand relationships are usually estimated using data from short-duration expenditure surveys. The interpretation of such observations is not straightforward, since a
Finnish Economic Papers 1/1988
Vol. 1, No. 1 Sixten Korkman, Erkki Koskela and Jouko Ylä-liedenpohja: Perspectives on capital income taxation in Europe: an introduction (pp. 5–8) Agnar Sandmo: The taxation of household durable goods (pp. 13–24) Abstract Starting from issues raised in current debates about